ADID data set Ecological Momentary Assessment data on affect and personality items from the Affective Dynamics and Individual Differences (ADID; Emotions and Dynamic Systems Laboratory, 2010). Participants between 18 and 86 years old rated their momentary feelings 5 times daily over a month. Information about the ADID study can be found here. No detrending was performed to the data.   Variables in ADIDtoShare.txt id = participant ID Day = Day index pos1-pos3 = Positive affect parcels 1-3 neg1-neg3 = Negative affect parcels 1-3 isSocCompany = Whether the participant was with a company posEvents = Aggregated positive events negEvents = Aggregated negative events pss = Perceived stress extra = Extraversion agree = Agreeableness consc = Conscientiousness emoStab = Emotional stability (opposite of neuroticism) open = Openness rPos1-3 = Person mean-centered positive affect parcels 1-3 rNeg1-3 = Person mean-centered negative affect parcels 1-3